The Western Academy of Beijing
Western Academy of Beijing was founded in 1994 and is now a top international school in China with 1,400 students and world-class facilities.
WAB was founded with a strong sense of purpose, recognizing that there was a need for a truly international school that put children at the center of its efforts, embracing the experience of
being in China and responsive to its community. After more than 20 years, WAB continues its tradition of excellence and embodies the spirit of its founding.
The selection of WAB as an Apple Distinguished School highlights its successes in enhancing and extending teaching and learning with thoughtful and innovative implantations of technology.
Teaching and learning needs are constantly being updated, and teachers and students are becoming more aligned with device management. These require IT administrators to address existing needs and unlock the potential of Jamf Pro to support teaching and learning.
Schools need expert training services as Jamf Pro versions are updated more frequently and IT needs to fully understand its possibilities.
As an established international school, Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) needs to maintain its advanced teaching and learning as well as its exemplary results among similar international schools. Incorporating information technology into teaching and learning not only improves the quality of instruction, but also makes the classroom more dynamic.
Jamf Pro’s support for education gives teachers complete control over their time-constrained classrooms, giving them a good reason to deliver more knowledge while increasing classroom interaction.
By leveraging real-life challenges and scenarios, we turn Apple device management training into a hands-on experience. At the end of each Jamf Pro session, trainees will leave with the following improved macOS, iOS and tvOS management skills, ready to take on the next challenge.
- A further explanation of Jamf Pro and Apple services.
- New features added to Jamf Pro for teaching and learning.
- Experience sharing on the best time and best workflow for instructional management.
- Deployment, security and configuration techniques.
- Content for building and managing deployments.
The most effective method for learning Jamf Pro is the environment-based, hands-on approach. You can integrate what you learn in the training and achieve complete understanding and mastery by simulating real-world requirements scenarios.
Schools for children of foreigners